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Margaret Campbell-Kotler, MPH, RN

Margaret Campbell-Kotler is the National Program Manager for Caregiver Education and Training, Caregiver Support Program, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).  She is responsible for the development and roll out of the core training required for all Caregivers in the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC). This training has been taken by over 35,000 Caregivers since June, 2011.  Ms. Campbell-Kotler has also developed four self-care courses designed for Caregivers of Veterans of all eras. To date,  3600 Caregivers have taken one of these classes.  She has utilized VA television and the Veterans Electronic Health University (VeHU) to deliver Caregiver education on TBI, PTSD and its impact on family relationships, Pain Management and Intimate Partner Violence.  Prior to joining the VA, Ms Campbell-Kotler was Manager of the Office of Education for the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center (DVBIC).  In this capacity, she managed the development of the TBI Family Caregiver Curriculum, the development of educational materials on traumatic brain injury for families, service members, veterans and military health care providers. Ms. Campbell-Kotler has extensive experience in the delivery of home and community based health services across the age span. She holds a BSN cum laude, from Niagara University and an MPH from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Margaret Campbell-Kotler has no relevant financial relationship to disclose

Nonfinancial: Margaret Campbell-Kotler has no relevant nonfinancial relationship to disclose