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Victor Strecher

Professor and Director for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship
University of Michigan Schools of Public Health and Medicine

Founder and President, JOOL Health, Inc.

Vic Strecher (pronounced “streker”) is a behavioral scientist, professor, and Director of Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship at the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health. He is also founder and President of JOOL Health (, a digital health solution company that integrates the science of purpose in life, advanced smartphone and biometric technology, and big data analytics to improve well-being, helping users become better researchers of themselves as they develop, and align daily with, their purpose in life. In 1995, Vic founded the UM Center for Health Communications Research (, a pioneering organization in the research of digitally-tailored health communications. In 1998, Vic founded HealthMedia Inc., a digital health coaching company that was purchased in 2008 by Johnson & Johnson. Vic’s latest research and books are related to the importance of developing and maintaining a strong purpose in life. His most recent book (available May, 2016), Life On Purpose: How Living for What Matters Most Changes Everything (HarperOne), examines the science and philosophy of purpose in life and ways to develop and align with one’s purpose. His book On Purpose: Lessons in Life and Health From the Frog, the Dung Beetle, and Julia (Dungbeetle Press), is written for the lay public with a professional comic illustrator as a graphic novel and is accompanied by a free iOS app, a website and smartphone and web apps. 

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Vic Strecher receives compensation from ownership interest and salary at JOOL Health.

Nonfinancial: Vic Strecher has no relevant nonfinancial relationship to disclose